Thursday, November 1, 2012

Discounts where you least expect it

Following up on my "How to be thrifty... or cheap" blogs (Haha), here is something else I learned about different discounts.

I was never the person to talk someone down on a price. Never. If the tag said a certain price, I paid it. Things have changed.

With 2 kids that we are still trying to pay off their hospital bills, plus my hospital bill, I decided I would give the hospital a call and see if we could extend the amount of time to pay it off.

With Alden, they gave us 2 years, no interest, to pay it off. Collyn came 19 months later, 5 months before Alden would be paid off. This through us for a loop. So, I called to see what I could do.

I didn't know, but I do now, most hospitals how a Financial Assistance Program. They mailed me a form to fill out about our monthly bills, spending, and income. Then, we had to mail it back with 3 months bank statements. I just sent it back, but this will be a chance that they could lower our hospital bill or eliminate it completely (Doubtful!). But, if we could get it lowered just a teeny bit, it would be so worth it.

So, if you just had a baby, look into it. If things turn out good, I will let you know how much we saved. :)

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely worth it to do that! When my husband had emergency surgery a few years ago, and even with really good insurance, we could not afford the bill. I called and asked about the assistance and filled out the forms like you did and we were approved to have the bills written off (this was pre-kids too). I'll be praying it works out for you guys and you can maybe get the bills completely eliminated!


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