Monday, January 7, 2013



My little baby Alden is 2!!!? When did this happen!? I can't believe 2 years have flown by so quickly. I am going to do some of my normal updates on the little guy.

GROWTH: Alden is around 28 pounds and is about 34 inches tall. We don't go to his 2 year check up until February because I combined his 2 year and Collyn's 6 month together. He is getting so tall and just today I noticed how big his hands have gotten. I swear kids grow overnight.

SLEEP: (cough cough) Alden MIGHT still be sleeping with us... Okay! We co-sleep with both kids, still. Every once in a while he will sleep all night in his own bed, but every night he falls asleep with us. Collyn and him share a room. Soon, we are going to have both of them sleeping in their own room, together, but he is currently, most of the time, with us. He sleeps through the night. He is my good little sleeper (Unlike his brother)

EATING: Of course, he is eating everything, just like a normal 2 year old does. He is able to eat all dairy products and has been for the last 6 months or so. He has gotten a little bit more picky, but we try very hard to keep the fresh fruits and veggies in him as much as possible. He's like his Momma and likes to snack all day. :)

CLOTHING: 2T and 3T- Depending on the brand


DEVELOPMENT: He is our smart little guy. We are working on the alphabet and he can sing most of the song. He can count to about 7 by himself and then needs help to finish to 10. He can stack blocks about 5-6 blocks high. He knows tons of animal noises. He LOVES animals! He can do a forward roll and jump on a trampoline. He is talking up a storm and says sentences that have 6-7 words in them. He still has that darn binkie, which we are going to break him from soon, fingers crossed. He loves to color with crayons and read books in the rocking chair. He is such a good big brother and tries to help Collyn as much as he can. He loves to help me cook in the kitchen and helps daddy outside with chores. We absolutely adore this little boy!!!!


Alden's birthday party was lots of fun! He had all his cousins over and grandparents, great-grandparents, and uncles and aunts. Hannah (My niece) helped me decorate his birthday cake. It was WILD ANIMAL themed. We played Pin The Tail On The Donkey, opened presents, and had cake and ice cream, and the kids ran around crazy all evening. It was sooo much fun. :)

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