Thursday, March 26, 2015

Haines Baby #3: 8 Weeks

I am 8 weeks today. This last week flew by with how busy we were, but morning sickness still slowed me down and reminded me what was happening in my belly. Here are some updates on Baby Haines #3!

About Baby: The baby is 1/2 inch long (The size of a kidney bean). It is constantly moving and shifting, even though I can't feel the movement yet.

Weight Gain: 1 Pound. Currently 115. I gained 2 pounds this week (Not sure how with all this morning sickness) but I am 1 pound above my starting weight.

Symptoms: Oh, morning sickness. It's a love-hate relationship. I love knowing everything is going good but I hate being nauseous 24/7. My morning sickness peaked at 7 weeks 2 days (Of course when we had family in town). I had a hard time keeping things down and struggled to eat. Things would sound good and then after a few bites I would feel awful. It has started to slowly get better. I'm not nauseous ALL day, just majority of the day. It is to the point now that if I am nauseous in the morning, I will be better in the evening and vise-versa. My exhaustion is pretty much the same. I have some energy mid-morning, I'm exhausted in the afternoon and I collapse in bed around 8:30 PM. I have convinced the kids to watch movies in bed with me so I can doze off and Lyndon carries them to bed for me. My hips are starting to hurt and I can feel them stretching and pulling... Making room for the little one!

Sleep: Once my head hits the pillow I am zonked out. I tend to wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to fall back to sleep. I will lay there for a while and drift back off. The boys have been yelling for me in the night... as usual. Lyndon has been getting up with them some nights (With my 'encouragement'... and nudging off the bed) so I am able to get some more sleep. I've drifted off a few times in the afternoon while the boys are having their rest time. It's so quiet, it's hard not to.

Cravings: Ice water. I can't get enough of it. Not bottled water or plain cold water, but ICE water. I drink it all day. Thank goodness for a good ice machine in our freezer! Other than that, not food cravings. Still struggling to eat anything.

Best Moment of the Week: Having my sister and her family in town for the weekend. The boys were so excited to see their cousins and they were exhausted by the time they left. The visit wasn't nearly long enough, but it was so nice to spend time with them. They were able to watch Alden play his Tee-Ball game!

Looking Forward To: My doctors appointment next week. I get another ultrasound to check on baby. I've never had ultrasounds this early, so it is fun to see the little one in there.

8 weeks done, 32 to go!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Spring Break Visit

My sister, Susan, and her family, her husband, Cody and their girls, Hannah and Hayden, took a short trip down to our house from Idaho to visit for the weekend. The girls have spring break this next week, so they spent the first of their spring break in sunny California. The weather is much different than Idaho, so they instantly pulled out their shorts and flip-flops!

We definitely had a relaxing time. They arrived on Friday in the afternoon. The kids instantly ran outside to the backyard playing in the tree house and jumping on the trampoline. My sister and I relaxed on the deck watching them and soaking up the sun. We had lasagna for dinner and brownies and ice cream for dessert. Then, the kids watched Big Hero 6 on air mattresses and had a sleepover in the living room.

They were definitely tired from driving, and my morning sickness is in full swing, so we called in an early night.

The next morning, we got up, made breakfast and the kids went outside and played for a while. Then, it was off to Alden's T-Ball game.

Alden enjoyed having a full cheering section at the game!! We ate pretzels dipped in cheese sauce (Which actually settled on my stomach) and watched a good game of T-ball. After the game, we took the kids to the park to play for a while before heading back home for lunch.

We lounged around the afternoon and then had a BBQ on the back deck (Our first BBQ on the deck!) with yummy hamburgers (Lyndon did an amazing job!) and hot dogs, chips, pasta salad, and fruit. For dessert, we started a fire in the fire pit and roasted s'mores! The kids LOVED it!!

The kids had another sleep over in the living room that night and watched movies and ate popcorn. I called it another early night and Lyndon helped get the kids to bed.

On Sunday, we headed to church. After church, we went to Chico and ate at In-N-Out and went to Dicks Sporting Goods to pick up Hannah and Hayden some softball gear since they were having a great sale! After we came home we relaxed before dinner.

We made our own pizzas and Cody made rice crispy treats for dessert! Yum!

The Samson's left this morning and the boys had a hard time saying goodbye. So did I. Got to love hormones!!!

It was a fun-filled weekend and we are all definitely exhausted and ready to rest up!!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Baby #3: 7 Weeks

I am officially 7 weeks pregnant today. Here is a little update on Baby Haines #3!

Size of Baby: 1/2 inch long (Size of a blueberry)

Weight: -1 from starting weight. Still 113.

Symptoms: Nausea Nausea Nausea. In the midst of morning sickness, and nothing seems to calm it down. I haven't thrown up yet, but I have been on the verge of it a few times. What seems to help me the most is eating frequently, a few bites here and there every hour or so. I also ordered Psi Bands (Acupressure wristbands) to see if those will help ease my morning sickness. They should be here in a few days, so I will see how they work.
Foods that are good:
Trail mix, Ritz crackers, cereal, bread, Jolly Ranchers, meat, cheeses, apples, potatoes, plain pastas

Foods that are bad:
Fresh veggies, leafy veggies, majority of the fruits.... Mostly the healthy foods that I should be eating....

I have also been tired still. Exhausted is more like it. Having two little ones running around with t-ball games and practices, church activities, photo sessions, etc... I am exhausted by the end of the day.

Sleep: The boys have been getting up in the nights, I think they are growing, so I haven't been able to get a good solid sleep at night this whole week. Whenever they grow, they tend to have nightmares, or wake up randomly in the night yelling for me. Lyndon rarely hears them, so I am always getting up. However, Lyndon has been letting me sleep in a little each morning. This morning he got the boys dressed and fed before he went to work and brought me crackers and water to help ease my morning sickness.

Cravings: None. I am just happy most days to get food in my stomach without being miserable.

Best Moment of the Week: Alden's T-Ball games. Even though I haven't been much help volunteering, since I've been so nauseous, it is still so fun to sit in the stands and watch my baby boy looking all grown up out there playing! I also enjoy every morning Alden wakes up and gives me a hug and kiss, and then kisses my belly to tell the baby good morning.

Looking Forward To: My sister and her family coming to town for the weekend. They will be here tomorrow through Monday for a little mini-vacation. We don't have much planned, just enjoying each others company. We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving.

7 Weeks Down... 33 To Go!

T-Ball Fun!!!!

Since Alden is 4, he is now old enough to be in Little League T-Ball. Lyndon volunteered to coach and he has an assistant coach who is helping him. Alden is on the Padres team. It has been fun watching him grow and learn and meet new friends. He has met some friends who will also be in his preschool class next year. His first game was fun to watch! Grandma Kay and Uncle Kolton were able to come and watch his very first t-ball game. He did a wonderful job and was very serious!

Collyn has also taken an interest in T-Ball and since Lyndon is the coach, he has been able to get out on the field during practice (And some games). He takes it more serious than some of the kids out there.

Alden's favorite position is catcher, because he gets to catch the ball a lot. Both boys also enjoy after the game, when they go to the snack bar and get their free snow cone. Preferably Root Beer flavored.

It has been a fun time watching him play. This weekend, my sister and her family are going to be in town, so they get to watch him play his game. He is excited for them to watch.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

6 Weeks

I've made it to the 6 week mark today. And, boy does it feel like I've hit the 6 week mark.

Here are some updates on the growing belly and me.

Size: Lentil

Weight Gain: -1 pound. I am 113.

Symptoms: I don't think I can get much more tired. I am EXHAUSTED! Not just sleepy tired, but believe me I could fall asleep any time of the day if someone let me. But, I was pushing Alden on the swings at the park the other day and I was out of breath by the end of it. How horrible is that?? I vacuumed and swept the living room and dining room and was winded. Crazy how tired I am. Nausea has increased slightly. I am having more waves of nausea throughout the day. Nothing too horrible, I can handle it right now, but it's definitely not fun.

Sleep: Yes, please. And more of it??? LOL! I am ZONKED when my head hits the pillow at night. The last two nights have been nice. The boys have slept really well and slept in a little. THANK YOU LORD! That means, I've been able to get another hour of sleep. I could sleep all day if someone let me. I would love to take naps during the day, but with 2 kids that doesn't really work. So, I try to take some rest periods during the day and kick my feet up. But, more sleep would be wonderful. I hate feeling like I'm in a fog all the time.

Cravings: None. Food doesn't sound great right now. I eat to stay healthy, but nothing really hits the spot or sounds good. Good ol' morning sickness.

Best Moment: Sleeping through the night, two nights in a row. :) I also had a doctors appointment today. Everything looks good. I'm not sure why I came in so early in the pregnancy, but it was good. They did an ultrasound and since I'm only 6 weeks 0 days, it was too early to detect a heartbeat. It freaked me out that there was no heartbeat, but of course, I came home and googled it. Within the 6th week, there is only a 50% chance of detecting a heartbeat, and I was on the first day of the 6th week, so it was even more unlikely. So, no heartbeat detection yet, but everything else inside there was looking healthy.

Looking Forward To: My sister and her family coming next week for the weekend!!!! We haven't seen them since Thanksgiving. Also, my 9 week doctors appointment, where they will do a 2nd ultrasound, to recheck everything. :) I am also looking forward to feeling better, but I still have many weeks of misery before then.

I haven't taken a belly picture yet, since there isn't really a belly. I'm definitely bloated, but no belly. So, within the next few weeks I will take one.

6 weeks down, 34 to go.

Until next time.


Friday, March 6, 2015

Baby #3: 5 Weeks

I hit the 5 week mark yesterday with Baby #3. Obviously, not much has changed from last week, but here is the update. No baby bump, so no picture.

Size: Sesame Seed.

Weight Gain: None. Still 114.

Symptoms: Exhaustion!!! Morning sickness has been pretty good. I've had a few days where I have waves of nausea, but nothing to strong yet. Still super sleepy a lot. Not too hungry ever.

Sleep: I would love to have more of it!!! The boys haven't been sleeping well, and I'm not sure why?? Maybe the news of a new baby in the house has them thrown off. I try to lay down for bed around 8:30 and Lyndon gets the kids in bed for me. He also lets me sleep in until he leaves for work and gets the kids breakfast before I get up. Just one less thing I have to do.

Cravings: None.

Best Moment: Telling family and friends!!! Telling the boys!!!

Looking forward to: Our doctors appointment next week!

5 weeks down. 35 to go.

Until next week...


Monday, March 2, 2015

Here Comes #3! 4 weeks pregnant

It has been SOOO long since I have written on the blog.
It has been since August! Holy moly! Lots of things have been happening in the Haines house since August. We traveled to Idaho twice, once in October and for Thanksgiving, Lyndon's parents came for Christmas, and Alden celebrated his 4th Birthday in January! I cannot believe it is already March!

Plus, a week ago, we got some amazing news!

Baby #3 is on it's way.

This pregnancy was planned, unlike the other two, so I knew I was pregnant earlier on. We are so thrilled to have another addition to the family.

I am currently 4 weeks pregnant. My due date is November 5, 2015. Of course, like the other pregnancies, I will be doing weekly updates on the baby, me, the family, and what is going on in our lives.

Here is my first Update:


Size: Poppy seed

Weight Gain: None. I was weighed last month at my doctors appointment and I was 114. I am still 114.

Symptoms: Some nausea, here and there. Tired, but not too bad. Feeling like I need to nap some afternoons. I had some light cramping for a few days but it went away.

Sleep: I am exhausted by the end of the day. I am ready for bed about 8 PM. I haven't been able to sleep through the night because the boys have been getting up crying for me for some reason.

Cravings: None.

Best Moment: Positive pregnancy test!!!! (Or 3)

Looking forward to: Our first doctors appointment to make sure everything is good!

Until next week.

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