Monday, October 25, 2010

29 Weeks (11 Weeks To Go)

Sorry I have no picture this time. I can't find my camera. I can't remember where I put it. Good ol' pregnancy brain.

Alden weighs 2 1/2 pounds and is 15 inches long. He is still kicking up a storm. He definitely doesn't have as much room as he used to. The body parts that he shoves out of my sides are feeling bigger and stronger. I love that feeling. During church yesterday, he decided to fully shift his head down into the position that he should be in for delivery. That means, his little head pushes down on my bladder at all time of the day. And I have two feet up in my ribs.

I have been experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions this week. I have been having them as far apart as 3 in a day to 3 in an hour. They aren't painful at all. Just a little annoying.

I had my 28 week appointment last week. Everything seems to be going great. The doctor told me I probably need to slow down and rest more than I have been. Teaching dance and tumbling keeps me on my feet a lot and he would like me to rest when I'm not teaching. I've been trying, but I'm too much of a busy body. Alden's heartbeat was 130. The doctor said he is measuring to be a good size boy. We will see how much he weighs at birth! :)

In 5 weeks we get another ultrasound. Lyndon is excited to be there for that one.

Until next time,

Stacy, Lyndon, and Alden

(I promise a picture next week, or whenever I find my camera this week.)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

28 Weeks... 12 Weeks to go

28 Weeks

12 Weeks to Go!!! It's getting close!!

Alden is doing great! He is wiggling like crazy. I can tell he is getting bigger because his kicks are harder and his legs feel bigger when they are moving around. In my book "What To Expect When You Are Expecting", it told me to count his kicks. They said it is normal for 10 kicks in 10 minutes to an hour. I gave up counting because he kicks so often it is about 10 kicks every 2 to 3 minutes. He is constantly going going going...


He weighs 2 and 1/4 pounds and is around 15 inches long. He can now blink his eyes and has eye lashes. He can also see the difference between darkness and light. He is quickly getting more fat under that skin of his!


I am definitely eating for two. With all of his moving, I think he is burning lots of calories and making me hungry all the time. I wake up around 3 in the morning every night to go to the bathroom. I am so hungry my stomach hurts. I usually will grab a granola bar or eat some banana and go back to sleep. I am constantly drinking water. I've learned I HAVE to eat 5 small meals a day, otherwise I am starving. I'm not getting lots of sleep anymore. I sleep hard when I am asleep, but he is constantly kicking and waking me up... I think this is a sign for the future. Since I am not working full-time, I try to take a short nap in the afternoons on the days that I have to teach dance and tumbling. My feet are starting to ache a little bit more when I am standing for too long. I am also getting to the point of having difficulties getting out of a chair if it is too low. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. This Wednesday we have our 28 week doctors appointment. Next month, we get another ultrasound, so I get to see my baby boy again!! :) And, Lyndon will be able to go and see him on the ultrasound!

As for me, I am teaching dance and tumbling and it is full swing. The kids are so great this year. I'm not able to do everything that I usually do, and the kids are so nice working with me. The exercise is great!! One of the days, I teach 3 tumbling classes in a row which is 2 1/2 hours of constant working out. I'm exhausted by the end, but it makes me feel great! I have been working on getting Alden's room set up. I set up the bassinet that will be in our room when he comes home. We set up the crib and I'm getting all his clothes washed and put away! :)Things are coming together.

As for Lyndon, he is working working working. Most days he is gone 12 hours. He is such a hard worker! I'm so grateful for him. I wouldn't be able to be home if it wasn't for him. He has been doing lots with the fire department. They recently had an open house that we went to. He is getting pretty spoiled with me being home. I get up in the mornings and make him breakfast and get his lunch ready. And he has dinner on the table when he gets home. Spoiled! :)

Other than ALL of that information, things are going great and I am still feeling good. A little more tired, but good.

Until next week...

Lyndon, Stacy, and Alden



Monday, October 11, 2010

Baby Shower

Lyndon's family put on a baby shower for me this Saturday. My sister is putting one on for me in November, but his family will be on a trip, so they are unable to come. I had a great time. We played lots of games, had cupcakes and punch and I received lots of presents! It's crazy that I'm having a baby shower for my baby!

Here I am with the cupcakes at the baby shower


Everyone had string and had to guess what length of string would fit around my belly


Liz won the contest. She was within an inch!


Then, we played a game of "Guess what Melted chocolate bar is in the diaper". It was an interesting game, but fun to watch people smell a diaper.


My mom with the chocolate poopy diaper


Opening presents



Grandma Donna bought us a bassinet. She will officially be a GREAT-GREAT-GRANDMA for the first time! She is very excited!


Setting Up The Crib

On Friday, Lyndon's parents bought us a crib for Alden. It is a beautiful medium wood color. It is a crib that can turn into a toddler bed, day bed, and then a full size bed. Lyndon set it up on Saturday morning. He was excited to get it all set up and ready. We still have to paint the baby's room, so we will have to move it out when we paint, but I'm glad that is officially set up!

Lyndon setting it up


The bed officially set up (without the crib set and bumper pads)


27 Weeks


I'm officially 27 Weeks! Only 13 Weeks to go. 3 Months!
Alden is weighing 2 pounds and is 14 1/2 inches long. He is wiggling and kicking like crazy. He has shifted to his head down and his feet up. I now have feet in my ribs. I am definitely getting bigger and learning I can't do certain things.

Dance and Tumbling classes have started this last week. I teach one dance class for Kindergarteners and 3 Tumbling Classes for ages 3 to Junior High. I'm learning quickly it is a little harder to teach with a belly. But, show must go on! :)

Everything is still going smooth. I went on Friday to take my Gestational Diabetes Test. Lyndon was working so my mom went with me. I am not good with my blood being drawn, so I needed someone there to hold my hand. :) I haven't gotten a call or anything so I'm guessing nothing too bad showed up.

Until next week,

Stacy, Lyndon and Alden

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Family Fun Night

West Valley Church puts on a Family Fun Night every year. The theme was Authentic Mexican. We had homemade tacos and rice for dinner and ice cream for dessert. Then, they had skits and people singing for entertainment. It was so much fun! Lyndon was in 3 different skits.

The clown show with their pet flea...


Mom and daughter duet


Lyndon and Dasha with their skit


More singing



Lyndon and Kaylea as Miley and Billy Ray Cyrus. Lyndon wore a gross mullet! :)




Billy Ray vaccuming up the mess


Me and Billy Ray... Hahahaha


Kali riding in our car

Kali (Lyndon's parents dog) went for a car ride to our house. She loved the window rolled down and looking out!



Run For The Hills 2010

Love INC (Love In The Name Of Christ) sponsors a half-marathon every year. Some of the youth volunteered to do two of the recovery stations. The boys and Lyndon were at the 2nd station and the girls and I were at the 3rd. We got the water set up, and cut up bananas and oranges. We all had our jobs and everything went smooth! I really had a great time. Next year, we decided we need to bring doughnuts! (For us of course).

There were about 300 runners for Run For The Hills.

Here we are setting up our station


Look at our hard work!


Dasha with a cow bell around her neck to cheer on the runners, and water to hand out! :)


Cosi cutting up more bananas and oranges, and Fani testing them! :)


Babysitting Baby Kamden

Lyndon and I were priviledged to babysit Kamden. He is 6 weeks old and weighs only 7 pounds. He is so tiny and adorable. We have been watching him on Friday nights so his mom can have a little break. I've really enjoyed watching him. Lyndon likes the practice before our baby comes.

I fed him and changed his diaper. Then, Lyndon layed him on the floor and he kicked for a long time. When he got sleepy, Lyndon held him in the chair and then Kamden fell asleep, I put him on Lyndon's chest. Lyndon liked that feeling. I feel like our baby is going to be sleeping on Lyndons chest lots!

Lyndon holding Kamden


Kamden sleeping on Lyndon's chest


Popcorn Selling

Johnny just joined Cub Scouts in our town. He has meetings on Wednesdays and really enjoys it. Their fundraiser of the year is selling popcorn. He came to our house in his uniform and sold us some popcorn. We, of course, chose the caramel corn! :)
His goal was to reach $600 so he can win a marshmallow gun. He has 1 month to reach this goal. After a week, he has reached it. He is one determined boy! :)

Here he is in his uniform. The patches weren't put on yet. They are now.

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