38 weeks. 2 weeks (Or less) to go! :)
ABOUT BABY: Collyn is weighing around 7 pounds and about 20 inches in length (According to babycenter.com) All of his organs are working properly and he is ready to out of me.... He is now just gaining weight. His movements are getting slower and not as often, but still moving enough I'm not worried.
ABOUT ME: I am MISERABLE. I don't know how else to put it. Chasing a 1 year old around all day puts strain on your body when you are carrying a 7 pound baby inside of you. My appetite as increased dramatically. My mom thinks I will have him this week because I'm eating so much and storing up all that energy. We will see. I'm still napping with Alden during the day, which helps a lot. He likes to take a 1 1/2- 2 hour nap, so I get a good 2 hours of rest in the afternoon. My back is starting to kill me. I think that Collyn has pushed something out of alignment in my lower back/pelvis.
Bags are packed. :) Aldens bag is ready to go. The plan is that he will be staying with my brother-in-law when I go into labor. (It gave him a good excuse to not be at the hospital). :) If he is working or isn't able to watch him, my grandma volunteered to watch him. So, we have some backup plans. We'll see how that all works out. The car seat is getting installed in the car tonight. Just today, I realized I don't have a baby book for Collyn, so we are on a mission to find one before he comes. If anything we will buy one at the hospital.
Lyndon is back to work like normal. So, things have slowed down a little bit! My parents are back from their trip to Alabama, so they are ready for the baby to come anytime.
I have my 38 week check-up tomorrow, so we will see if there is ANY progression at all. I'm definitely ready for this baby to be out of me!
You're so close :) those last few weeks are rough, I was definitely feeling just about everything you are feeling! Can't wait to hear about Collyn's arrival!