Monday, January 10, 2011

Our First Days Home


Alden is such an amazing baby. I couldn't ask for a better son! He is so content and happy all the time.

Our first night home was a struggle. I was nursing him, but he seemed very cranky. At 1 in the morning our first night, he was miserable. He had drank everything from me and was still starving. We tried giving him a pacifier to help him until more milk came in, but he sucked me dry. At 5 in the morning, Lyndon drove 20 minutes to Wal-Mart (With no sleep) to get him some formula.

After he got his belly full, he was a happy camper and slept for 4 hours.

Last night, he went to bed at 10 PM, was up at 11:30 PM to eat, slept until 1AM, ate, then gave us 3 whole hours. He slept until 4 AM, ate again, and then was up at 6:30 AM.

He is sleeping really well. We have the bassinet by my side of the bed and he is completely content with sleeping in it. We've learned that if we set a rolled up blanket on his back so he is propped up on his side a little, he sleeps better.

Alden is a pretty quiet baby. He cries when he has a dirty diaper, or if he is hungry. Sometimes I will go check on him and he will be wide awake in his bassinet just looking around. We have NO complaints about our little guy.

I love being a mom. It is the best experience in the world. I wouldn't change it for anything.


  1. Aww congrats! He sounds like a wonderful baby :) We've been giving our son formula at one feeding a day, usually before bed because he does the exact same thing where he completely has emptied me and he wants more!

    That's awesome he is sleeping in his bassinet!

  2. Congrats Stacy and Lyndon! He is such a beautiful baby!


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