Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Kiddo Updates

I haven't done these forever! I thought I would, just for fun.

Here we go!

Mr. Alden Update:

Age: 3 Years 4 Months

Weight: 32 pounds (50th percentile)
Height: 38 inches (75th percentile) His dad is 6 ft 4 in. He's going to be tall, most likely.

SLEEP: Oh, my Alden.... How I love you kid, but you don't sleep. I swear my oldest will sneak into our bed every night. He sleeps majority of the night in his bed and then sneaks in without waking us around 4:30-5. I know this only because he's woke me up a few times doing this. Most of the time, I wake up with another body in the middle of Lyndon and I, zonked out. We are working on this issue, but it's hard to fix while sleeping. We've talked to him about it, but there isn't much else we can do. His bedtime is 9 PM and sleeps until about 7:30 AM, besides his little walk to our room. He rarely takes naps any more. Only when he is completely exhausted will he take naps, but for the most part, no naps.

EATING: Alden is my picky one. Peanut butter no jelly sandwiches, certain types of apple juice, only chicken (I can sometimes sneak beef, but rarely). Very picky. It's a struggle, but he eats tons of fruits and veggies (The one thing is isn't picky over, fresh fruits and veggies), lots of rice, potatoes, beans, peanuts, etc to get those good nutrients in him. He is my bird. We leave his meal on the table for a good 2 hours after he is finished because he will come back and eat the rest here and there. He will finish the meal, you just have to be patient with him. He is a normal 3 year old. 3 solid meals per day, snacks in between. Juice, milk, water. His favorite food is peanut butter sandwiches and grapes.


DIAPERS: WE ARE POTTY TRAINED!!!!! YEAH! He has been potty trained since late December, right before his 3rd birthday. He wears pull-ups at night, just in case, but he tends to be dry in the morning. I would rather have him wear training pants than wash sheets every morning. :)

DEVELOPMENT: We are homeschooling for preschool. We have learned the letter A Through N and 1 through 4. He knows his colors and shapes (More than he is supposed to), he is riding his bike with training wheels, practicing T-Ball and Hockey, He is drawing with a purpose now and trying to stay within the lines while coloring. He can write his name. His vocabulary is great.

Mr. Collyn

Age: 1 year 9 Months

Weight: 22 pounds (Not even on the chart... itty bitty)
Height: 31 inches (Below the 3rd percentile)
This kid is tiny. And, he eats like a horse!!!!

SLEEP: Collyn sleeps amazing! He is now in a big boy bed with a safety railing. His bedtime is 9PM just like his brothers and he sleeps through the night until 7:30 or 8 AM. He loves his big boy bed! He climbs right in for bedtime and goes right to sleep at night. He is such a good sleeper. He naps at 12:30 or 1 everyday and sleeps until about 2:30 or 3:30 depending on how tired he is. He also naps well. I get him laid down, and he closes his eyes and goes to sleep, unlike his brother. ;) I am very satisfied with his sleeping habits.

EATING: Like I said, this kid eats like a horse. Anything you put in front of him, he will eat it. He loves meat (Unlike his brother). His favorite meal is Shepherds Pie. He loves Cheese Sticks (The Sargento Colby Jack kind) and bananas.

CLOTHING: 18 Month - 2T

DIAPERS: Size 4. He is not interested in potty training at all, and we aren't pushing it one bit. He sees his brother go, but no interest yet. Plus, he is still too little to even get up onto the toilet and I refuse to use the toddler toilets on the floor. A stool and real toilet work great for us and less cleanup!

DEVELOPMENT: He is talking a lot slower than Alden did. He isn't too interested in saying much. He says about 7-10 words that you can understand and will combine them like, "Bye, Daddy." but, he isn't too interested in talking. His motor skills are out of this world. He can run and kick a ball at the same time, maneuver a bike wherever he wants it, throw a ball accurately, stack blocks, etc. He loves to do artwork when Alden is doing his preschool lessons. He "does preschool" also. ;)

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