Monday, December 15, 2008

**Tis The Season**

For me, the last week has been CRAZY! But, I finally get to relax! Starting on Monday, as you know, I had the nasty flu. A horrible headache, fever, stuffy nose, etc. To make it even better, I had two finals that night. In the middle of the day, I took some medicine to help clear up my head. As I was about to leave for school I got a bloody nose. I finally got it to stop and I was 10 minutes late to my first final. I made it through my Speech and Spanish final. Then, the church had a board meeting, and I thought it was important for me to go, so I went. And, in the end, it was very very important for me to go. By the end of Monday night, I was exhausted!

On Thursday, I also had my Business Math final. I felt like I didn't do too well on it, but my grades turned out good. Speech: B. Spanish: A-. Business Math: B. Intro To Criminal Justice: B. And no, I don't think I'm going into the Criminal Justice Field. I needed an elective and it sounded fun.

On Saturday night, Lyndon and I had a "mini-date". He took me to Subway and got sandwiches. Then, we went to RedBox and rented a movie. We got to spend quality time together with no distractions. It was GREAT!

During the Sunday morning service they had the Children's Sunday School Program. I work in the nursery, so I had 6 kids go on stage and ring bells while McKenna sang Silent Night. It was adorable. The Sunday Night service went great. Lyndon preached a great sermon on Grace and Peace.

This past week, Lyndon has had projects, papers, you name it due. He has been so busy with school! This next week is his finals week. He is officially on Christmas Break this Thursday! I'm excited!

That is what went on last week. I should be getting some pictures! Look for them soon!

Stacy (And Lyndon) Haines.

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