I made to it 38 weeks! Alden is completely developed and from here on out, he is just gaining more weight before he enters the world! :) I like knowing that he is completely ready to be here without complications.
He should be weighing around 7 to 7 1/2 pounds and around 20 inches long. He doesn't have any more room in there to wiggle. He adjusts every once in a while, but nothing much. He is still head down and has dropped even farther. I have the feeling he is going to fall out. I know he won't, but it is pretty uncomfortable.
I am definitely ready for him to be here. I have still been getting lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are a little more painful than they used to be. They aren't consistent and don't get any stronger, so I know they aren't anything important. My ankles are officially starting to swell. By the end of the day, I have to put my feet up because they hurt. My hips are aching horribly, because he is pushing so hard on my pelvis. I have a hard time walking and sleeping.
We are getting the house finalized for him to arrive. We have the hospital bag and car seat in the car already, and we have everything set up and ready. I went this weekend and bought nursing bras, so I am all ready for him. Now, it's just waiting and waiting.
We have our 38 week doctors appointment on Wednesday. We will see if I have progressed at all. Last week, I was still 1 1/2 cm and 80% effaced. With him being so low and with all these contractions, I'm hoping that I am a little farther along.
Until next week, or when he arrives...
Lyndon, Stacy and Alden