Monday, December 27, 2010

38 Weeks Pregnant



I made to it 38 weeks! Alden is completely developed and from here on out, he is just gaining more weight before he enters the world! :) I like knowing that he is completely ready to be here without complications.

He should be weighing around 7 to 7 1/2 pounds and around 20 inches long. He doesn't have any more room in there to wiggle. He adjusts every once in a while, but nothing much. He is still head down and has dropped even farther. I have the feeling he is going to fall out. I know he won't, but it is pretty uncomfortable.

I am definitely ready for him to be here. I have still been getting lots of Braxton Hicks contractions. They are a little more painful than they used to be. They aren't consistent and don't get any stronger, so I know they aren't anything important. My ankles are officially starting to swell. By the end of the day, I have to put my feet up because they hurt. My hips are aching horribly, because he is pushing so hard on my pelvis. I have a hard time walking and sleeping.

We are getting the house finalized for him to arrive. We have the hospital bag and car seat in the car already, and we have everything set up and ready. I went this weekend and bought nursing bras, so I am all ready for him. Now, it's just waiting and waiting.

We have our 38 week doctors appointment on Wednesday. We will see if I have progressed at all. Last week, I was still 1 1/2 cm and 80% effaced. With him being so low and with all these contractions, I'm hoping that I am a little farther along.

Until next week, or when he arrives...

Lyndon, Stacy and Alden

Sunday, December 19, 2010

37 weeks


I am officially "Full Term"!!! Yeah!! I made it!

He should be weighing 6 1/3 pounds, but our little guy was weighing that 2 weeks ago. So, he should be weighing around 7 1/2 pounds.

I am becoming completely miserable. I am still 1 1/2 cm and 80% effaced. I went to the hospital last Thursday with contractions, but they weren't doing anything. I haven't had any contractions since, so I am thinking it was false labor. I am not sleeping at night at all. I have a bad cold right now, so I can't breathe at night.

I'm definitely ready for this little boy to be here, and the doctor said he could come at any time. There aren't many changes since last week.

Until next time,

Lyndon, Stacy and Alden

Firefighter of the Year 2010

On Saturday, Lyndon had his fire department dinner. It was a Hawaiian theme. The food was really good.
We ate, they gave out awards, and we had a gift exchange. I got a gift box of firefighter hot sauce, which I will probably never use, and Lyndon got a really nice pocket knife.

Lyndon was honored to receive Firefighter of the Year for 2010. This is the first time in the fire department's history that there was a tie for Firefighter of the Year.

I am very proud of him!!!

Here he is receiving his award


Christmas Cookies

Every year, Lyndon's family decorates Christmas cookies. This year was a little tough. I am 37 weeks pregnant and I recently came down with a nasty cold. We weren't sure if we were going to make it this year. I got the energy up and made it. We had a great time.

After we decorated cookies, Grandma Kay made a really good ham dinner! Yumm!! We had a really great time. While we were there it started to snow outside. The snowflakes were bigger than any snowflakes I have seen in my life.

It was a great time!

All the cookies!


Me, Lyndon, Kem, Kay, and Kolton. The decorators of the cookies


Lyndon and I after decorating


Thursday, December 16, 2010

36 1/2 weeks


Alden is supposed to be weighing around 6 pounds right now, but according to how our little boy is growing, he is around 7 pounds. We went to our doctors appointment yesterday and I was checked. Alden is head down and WAYYYY far down there. He has slowed down his movements a little bit. He is still moving in there, but not as much.

At the appointment, my doctor checked my cervix. I am 1 1/2 centimeters dialated and 80% effaced. He said the baby could come anytime. He could come tonight, he could come in a week. My doctor isn't concerned about him coming early because he is measuring at 38 weeks.

I woke up this morning at 5 AM with some cramping and I have been uncomfortable all day. I have to teach my last tumbling class tonight before my maternity leave. Hopefully he doesn't come during the class!!

I am completely uncomfortable. He is sitting so low on my pelvis I struggle to move around. I am exhausted. I'm not sleeping at night. I have to go to the bathroom constantly and my body aches.

From now on, I will probably update more often to let everyone know what is happening.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Our Last Ultrasound


Well, we officially had our last ultrasound before Alden gets here. It was so enjoyable. Lyndon was able to go with me this time!! He was amazed to see his baby's face on the screen.

Of course, they tell you to drink enough water to satisfy a camel for a month, which doesn't work when you have a baby's head pushing hard on your bladder and you have to pee every 30 minutes in the first place. So, I tried to drink as much as a could. I was told I didn't drink enough, but she got what she needed so it doesn't look like it mattered too much.

When we got in there, she did the medical exam part. She checked the size of his head, his length, and the length of his leg bone. Before she told me the weight and the appoximate gestational age, she asked "Are you diabetic?" Which, to me, reading all those prenatal books means... Your baby is big.

Alden is supposed to be weighing around 5 1/4 pounds. Our little linebacker is weighing between 6 lb 3 oz and 6 lb 13 oz. He is weighing and measuring around 37 weeks instead of 35. Everything else was looking healthy and perfect.

The doctor told me he is completely head down, there has been some changes in my cervix and I may be starting to feel some early labor pains in the next week or so. It looks like our little guy may be coming a little early. And, yes, I have been having some cramping and heaviness down there... So, ready or not.

I have my next appointment next week. He will check to see if anything has changed in my cervix and we will go from there. I'm completely uncomfortable and ready for him to be here... Only about 3 to 4 weeks to go!! :)

More updates at 36 weeks and the next appointment.

Monday, December 6, 2010

35 Weeks - 5 Weeks To Go!


I am 35 weeks pregnant! I only have 5 more weeks! It is so crazy.

Alden should be weighing in around 5 1/4 pounds and 18 to 20 inches in length. His basic physical development is complete, now he is just gaining weight each week. It makes me feel much better knowing that if he was born today, he would most likely be okay. He isn't "Kicking" as much anymore. I get a foot or knee sticking out of my side or in my rib every once in a while, and he adjusts his body more, but no more karate kicks.

I am still having Braxton Hicks contractions. Surprising! They are still mostly in the evenings after a day of doing lots. I am completely exhausted and uncomfortable. I'm not sleeping at night anymore. My hormones, I think, I switching. I am more emotional this week. It might be from being uncomfortable and tired, but tears are showing up more often.

We were supposed to have our ultrasound and 34 week appointment last week, but we were snowed in, so this Wednesday at 1:30 PM we are going to our ultrasound and a 35 week appointment. Then, we are starting to go to the doctor every week from now on. It is coming quickly!! I can't wait for my little bundle of joy to be here. Lyndon is getting excited and can't wait!!

Until next week,

Lyndon, Stacy and Alden

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Winter Snowstorm Continues....

In the past 24 hours we have had over a foot of snow, and it hasn't stopped yet. It is still coming down strong outside. All the schools are closed in our area. I had to reschedule my doctors appointment and ultrasound to next week. We are completely snowed in and we aren't able to get out of our driveway. Lyndon has shoveled snow at least 5 times in the last day. It is a mess out there!!!

This is our front yard.


Our neighborhood.


Our back deck.


And since it is a winter wonderland outside, here is our Christmas tree.


House Fire

Around midnight Monday morning, Lyndon was paged out to a house fire on the east side of Weiser, later to find out it was a house of a family we know. The fire started at an electrical outlet outside the house and went into the roof and attic. Lyndon was at the fire until 5 in the morning.

The family was able to get out safe, but the house was gone. The fire only burned the upstairs, but the first floor had smoke and water damage. The family is actually going to rent our old house, since it hasn't been rented out yet. Which is such a blessing!

Lyndon came home and told me he was the first firefighter in the house. The fire was really hot and this is what his helmet looked like after the fire. His helmet started out bright yellow...

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